Thursday, December 28, 2006

Taggage wordage

Ok, so I was "tagged" about a week ago and because of my rad skills of procrastination I am just now getting around to "un-tagging" myself. (If I were still 12 and this were a game of freeze-tag, now would definitely be the point of the programming where I would go to the bathroom.)

Anyway, on with the taggage:

1.) I have a keen ability to wage "What if" conversations with myself about pretty petty, non-consequencial things. I usually do this a few times a day, usually revolving around and email response to a co-worker, a phone call or me telling someone I can't hang out. At first I usually go over the words I want to use, not trying to be offensive or trite. From there I try to gauge the respondents response -- both good and bad -- and figure out a response for their response -- both good and bad. Then repeat. I will sit and go over a simple email for minutes/hours before hitting send. Sometimes it has gone days until I got the wording they way I felt most comfortable and my responses all worked out. Weird. But I just want to be prepared.

2) I envision myself as becoming a "classy" looking bald man. You know, the college professor type. The dude with no hair, glasses, tweed jacket or sweater. The intelligent type. Problem is, I have no tweed jacket. Don't need glasses. However, I have no problem in the sweater category and in THE FACT THAT I AM LOSING MY HAIR. Come on, seriously. I'm 24 (almost 25, yeah! for lower car insurance.) and I'm going bald. Weird.

3.) I was editor of my college paper. Met my wife there. Taught her everything she knows. Now she has a better job than I. Weird.

4.) I have a wife who is the only person in the world who knows that by turning the TV to channel 4 (because in our non-cable-having-household it doesn't come in) after 10 minutes the TV will automatically turn off. Weird.

5.) I once had a stage in my life where I didn't like to wear jeans. Just wore those cargo-pant things and khakis. In high school. I now wear jeans all of the time. I also never wore any other sock than those little white anklet thingies. Also in high school. I now have a self-imposed vendetta on white socks. Give me a pair of thick 100% cotton black socks (I don't care if they don't match my pants) and it's go-time. Weird. (Well not really, I guess.)

6.) (Because I want to) I have a fear, a little one, of when I am driving and someone goes to pass me that they are actually passing me just to slow up, pull out a gun and shoot me in drive-by fashion. This proves especially emotionally draining when I drive back to Ohio and have to go through Chicago. Weird, indeed.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

So yeah.......

So I guess I fell off the face of the Blearth (that's blog and earth combined, get it!) Doing so was one of my fears before attempting to carry on a successful blog. My last post was of honeymoon pictures. I have others and fully intend of posting them. but in the meantime, here is my dog.


Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

After the storm

In the studio

Two shots of my friend, and rock legend/all-star/guru/star, Tim in the studio working on some solo material. Yesterday's Kids. The Obsoletes. Listen. Study. Learn. Enjoy.

The studio was in a guy's house where the largest Great Dane I have ever seen lives. I swear it could swallow my fiance in one bite. Doesn't even have to chew. Wow, ok, I have derailed. Enjoy the pics.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


One of my favorites (though it wouldn't reproduce very well in print) from a not-so-super-exciting assignment. The dancers are from the Dominican Republic and are students at Fox Valley Technical College. The two were part of a bigger group of dancers (all students, and all international students from across Latin/South America) taking part in Sabor Latino, a party thrown during Hispanic Heritage Month.

(Photo copyright The Northwestern.)

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

So who is that dude?

He is only the coolest, most rad dude you will ever meet, that is. And that would all be true, if he wasn't so lame. Damn.

(Photo courtesy of my better half

About that time of year.....

.... for the harvests to begin. But these guys are chopping up the corn (stalk and all) to feed the cows on their dairy farm.

It's been rainy for the past two days and hasn't got out of the mid-60s. Totally rad. Fall friggin' rocks!

(Photo copyright The Northwestern.)

High school football action

The first high school game I have shot this year. Only shot it for a few minutes because I was in the crowd, not on the sidelines.

Sunday, September 03, 2006


I was looking through some old material and found this. Shot it about a year ago at the Lenawee County Fair in Michigan. Its a car that didn't quite make it during the demolition derby. It was in a part of the fairgrounds where a couple other cars that were on the wrong end of the derby sat. Unattended. Unloved. There to be forgotten. There in the graveyard.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Holga fun

So I was recently playing around with my Holga. I guess using my digital all the time has rendered me incappable of using this $20 piece of equipment. (I had the frame counter on the wrong setting. DOH!) So most of my pics came out double exposed. I was able to save some by scanning them in on my flatbed that doesn't like 120 film.

Anyway, here is the one I like best and the double exposure actually makes it look better, I think. However there is one that has one and a half of my faces in it. I think it is kinda cool in a weird, demented sort of way. The soon-to-be-wife, doesn't think that is true. You can view it by clicking on the link to my SportsShooter page on the right.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Dude, I was even super-cool when I was little.

And for the record, I have no idea where this photo was taken. But, from looking at the picture, it appears to be a place that needed the use of "Life Preserver Boy."

That was my superhero name (Get it, I am a superhero who saves lives, named 'Life Preserver Boy.' Get it?!), well until me and all the other superheroes, had to act normal. (There was a documentary movie about it all.) Now I am a copy editor and photographer at a paper. Just waiting for time to come when they will need me/us again.

I wonder if the goggles still fit?

County Fair

At the recent county fair the local 4-H Shooting Sports group had an archery tent set up. Kids, you had to under 18 and had to have your parent's permission, were able to shoot a handfull of arrows at targets. It was an attempt to spread the word about 4-H shooting sports and to try to get some more members.

This little guy, was the most fun to shoot out of everyone that was there while I was. A young kid, maybe 6-8 years old, he tried as hard as he could to pull the bow string all the way back, swiggling, and swirving his way, until SNAP! the arrow is in the air. While two of his arrows landed in the grass before the targets, and two others in the white "no score" area, he did manage, by some stroke of the archery gods, to get a bullseye. He left happy. All smiles.

(Picture copyright The Northwestern)


For some reason, for the last week or so, whenever I try to update the blog and go to upload a pic, Safari quits on me. No, I don't want to send an error report. Thinking it was only a Safari problem, I tried it on Explorer and ............. aha! ................ same results. Nothing. And no, I don't want to send an error report. On both computers in the house.

My blame is on Blogger. Or my long fingers.

I haven't decided.

They both cause me problems.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Senior picture

Was asked to shoot the senior pictures for my future brother-in-law over the weekend. I gladly did it and tried to have some fun doing it. I know this shot has been done many times before, but it is my first time doing it and I think it came out pretty well -- although not super "senior picturey" -- it's just a fun pic.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


You wouldn't know this is Wisconsin if I didn't tell you. But it is. A mother and daughter work in their plot at the Winnebago County Community Gardens. Copyright The Northwestern.

The one I am to marry

She likes bubbles. I like this picture.

And yes this is on her blog